We just had Guidance class and it was all about Work Experience, I am so excited :) I am going to LA make up academy in Dublin, off Grafton street ! Its based on teaching people how to apply make up and carry out special effects with make up such as scars, it also does full body art. I cant wait to see them at work :) We start work on the 14th of November for a week, incase you were wondering, the 14th is infact MY BIRTHDAY :D which makes it even more exciting :) i shall update you on my experience in LA make up academy after the 14th and of course how my birthday went! haha :)
Today I also have rehersals for "The Sound of Music" which im dancing in, only one dance but still, im happy to be involved :)
thats all for now :) Anita x
So its Thursday the 20th of October and us TYs have a very busy day ahead of us! it begins at 2pm with our weekly activities , with dance classes where we are split into groups and each of us are making up a dance including the Charleston and many other moves we have picked up along the way! then we have Photography with Rob Love, which is my favourite as i love taking pictures of anything & everything :) then to top it all off, we have a pain staking 40 minutes of pilates! im not the best now, i have to admit but sure God loves a Trier :)
Yesterday, the whole TY year went on a trip to Dublin! Our first stop was to a Museum where we all saw the Bog Bodies, which i have to admit i wasnt too excited about simply because im not a big fan of history however i thought it was the most interesting part of the day! i was so amazed on how well the bodies had been preserved and the stories which lay behind them were just so interesting! i would definatley recommend for next years TYs to go , it would be well worth it! Then we headed to the W.B Yeats Exhibition where we learned all about his life and his writings :) in my opinion, he had such an interesting life and his writing has such meaning to it. i would have stayed a little longer if i could have to read some more on his life! i learned so much yesterday that i really think will help me next year with the leaving cert :) and finally we went to see the play of "Juno & The Paycock" in the Abbey Theatre! i honestly wasnt expecting it to be even half as good as it was! it was a really great show, i must say! it really helped me understand the book better and even though some of the charcaters were not as i expected them to look they still all played their roles very well! I would recommend anyone to go and see, its well worth the money AND it isnt too expensive either!! I even came home yesterday and told my mam to go see it, anyone could relate to it because its set in Dublin :)
Also to top off a brilliant day we were allowed have lunch on Grafton Street, which i really appreciate so Thanks Ms.L and all the other teachers who accompained us on our trip :) the majority of us went to Burger King or McyDees! it was so yummy!
Anyway must go :), Geography Project calls haha
Anita x
NO. so its monday, and yes i missed the blog action day yesterday ! im so annoyed i was looking forward to it so much seen as im like the biggest lover of food there possibly is & this year was for the first time about food. not a happy camper. anyway to catch up....
Mini Company! wow it is hard work. didnt think it would be this hard but i must admit its really fun :) my group and I havent exactly thought of our idea yet seen as all the other ideas we had were done, more than once! boo! so for the moment we are all brainstorming, and for me, im addicted to Dragons Den! its actually a great help! watched it last night, so im sorted :) haha yesterday we went to newbridge for our second talk on mini company! its a great help i think and we get to hear others ideas from other schools. we were also allowed pop into abrakebabra (no idea how thats spelt) or chick king, which i went to, was pretty nice i must say but i tought it sounded so funny! sounds like Chic-ken in a funny accent!
Me & vicky have also been working really hard on our geog round the world trip project :) its so much fun but ALOT of work. you really need to commit and put so much effort in, but its worth it all :) we have learned so much already :)
just realised ill be missing next wednesdays IT class too because we are going to see the play "Juno & The Paycock" in the Abbey Theatre. I'm really excited to see this as i was rather confused whilst reading the play so it be great to see it acted out! :D
OH YEAUUUUH, by the way :) the fun walk was some craic. we class, BANBA won! awh yeauuuuuuh :) i think it was partly to do with the fact we brought in the whole 'anti-bullying week' theme :) but i do think the other classes were really good too :) alot of effort and harrd work was put into everyones !
Anita xx
Number 1 : Practice, Practice, Practice for our fun walk. We must get it perfected. Me and rachel have a surprise for everyone :) HAPPY VICKY!!!!!!!!!!
Number 2 : FOOD FOOD FOOOOOOOOOD.... EAT IT. (buy it first)
Number 3 : Say HI to Rachel. HI RACHEL
Number 4 : Make our next blog more interesting! BUT you know you LOVE this one.
Number 5 : Be our (me & rachel) usual AMAZING selves.
Number NOTHING: Read Rachels blog! its AMAZING <3 !!!!!
p.s HI MS.L :)